Simple and Clear ! The electronic planning board for your company.
InfoBoard is now available with Ordú ERP, Ordú Lean and Ordú Factory data collection systems so that you can plan your production and project resources and display your project plan graphically on screen. Now do your planning on a Computer as you would on a planning board.With infoBoard your Resources, be they your skilled team or production machines, are defined and are listed along the left side of the display. Each activity is represented with a coloured bar that in combination occupy the available time. Ordú and infoBoard operate together and update your operations plan.
Related tasks on separate resources are linked and operate sequentially and according to the resource availability.
Completed tasks are ticked, typically by barcode scanning of the route traveller, and as the time line progresses the information screen clearly display which project steps are on time and which require intervention.
Increased control and resource utilisation.
Ordú, ERP sorfware partner with infoBoard, Hamburg.